carzoglio meets
An intimate approach to the world inside the makers and their crafts.
Real people, real lives with real garments.
Editorial #02 Shot by Market @todoscontentos
Editorial #02 Shot by Market @todoscontentos
Editorial #02 Shot by Market @todoscontentos
Editorial #02 Shot by Market @todoscontentos
Francis Mallmann
Editorial #03 Shot by Martina Keenan
Editorial #03 Shot by Martina Keenan
Editorial #03 Shot by Martina Keenan
Editorial #03 Shot by Martina Keenan
Alejo Musich
Editorial #04 Shot by Franco Dupuy
Editorial #04 Shot by Franco Dupuy
Editorial #04 Shot by Franco Dupuy
Editorial #04 Shot by Franco Dupuy
Jessica Trosman
Editorial #05 Niños Azules by Diego Roa
Editorial #05 Niños Azules by Diego Roa
Editorial #05 Niños Azules by Diego Roa
Editorial #05 Niños Azules by Diego Roa
Diego Roa
Editorial #06 Shot by Ceci Glik
Editorial #06 Shot by Ceci Glik
Cecilia & Kasia
Editorial #07 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #07 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #07 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #07 Shot by Gato Suaya
Máximo Pedraza
Editorial #08 Shot by Fausto Elizalde
Editorial #08 Shot by Fausto Elizalde
Editorial #08 Shot by Fausto Elizalde
Kiá García Morteo
Máximo Pedraza
Editorial #09 Shot by Küche
Editorial #09 Shot by Küche
Editorial #09 Shot by Küche
Editorial #09 Shot by Küche
Editorial #10 Shot by Martín Pisotti
Editorial #10 Shot by Martín Pisotti
Editorial #10 Shot by Martín Pisotti
Editorial #10 Shot by Martín Pisotti
Cecilia Costantini
Ulises Conti
Editorial #11 Shot by Urko Suaya
Editorial #11 Shot by Urko Suaya
Editorial #11 Shot by Urko Suaya
Editorial #11 Shot by Urko Suaya
Juana Suaya
Editorial #12 Shot by Küche Location Sudestada
Editorial #12 Shot by Küche Location Sudestada
Editorial #12 Shot by Küche Location Sudestada
Editorial #12 Shot by Küche Location Sudestada
Horacio Gallo
Editorial #13 Shot by Gonzalo Romero
Editorial #13 Shot by Gonzalo Romero
Editorial #13 Shot by Gonzalo Romero
Editorial #13 Shot by Gonzalo Romero
Editorial #14 Shot by Urko Suaya
Editorial #14 Shot by Urko Suaya
Editorial #14 Shot by Urko Suaya
Editorial #14 Shot by Urko Suaya
Noel Romero
Editorial #15 Shot by Malu Boru
Editorial #15 Shot by Malu Boru
Editorial #15 Shot by Malu Boru
Editorial #15 Shot by Malu Boru
Cynthia Cohen & Natalia Malamute
Editorial #16 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #16 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #16 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #16 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #17 Shot by Julieta Alzúa
Editorial #17 Shot by Julieta Alzúa
Editorial #17 Shot by Julieta Alzúa
Editorial #17 Shot by Julieta Alzúa
Narda Lepes
Editorial #18 Shot by Clarie Lunaire
Editorial #18 Shot by Clarie Lunaire
Editorial #18 Shot by Clarie Lunaire
Mical Valusek
Editorial #20 Shot by Juampi Bonino
Editorial #20 Shot by Juampi Bonino
Editorial #20 Shot by Juampi Bonino
Editorial #20 Shot by Juampi Bonino
Ivo Lepes
Editorial #21 Shot by Michigan Rabbit
Editorial #21 Shot by Michigan Rabbit
Editorial #21 Shot by Michigan Rabbit
Editorial #21 Shot by Michigan Rabbit
Larisa Zmud
Editorial #22 Artwork Lu Garabello
Editorial #22 Artwork Lu Garabello
Editorial #22 Artwork Lu Garabello
Editorial #22 Artwork Lu Garabello
Lu Garabello
Editorial #23 Shot by Hef Prentice
Editorial #23 Shot by Hef Prentice
Editorial #23 Shot by Hef Prentice
Editorial #23 Shot by Hef Prentice
Diego Gravinese
Editorial #24 Shot by Luna Alvarez Castillo
Editorial #24 Shot by Luna Alvarez Castillo
Editorial #24 Shot by Luna Alvarez Castillo
Editorial #24 Shot by Luna Alvarez Castillo
Ambar Mallmann &
Felipe Braun
Editorial #25 Shot by Felipe Sanguinetti
Editorial #25 Shot by Felipe Sanguinetti
Editorial #25 Shot by Felipe Sanguinett
Editorial #25 Shot by Felipe Sanguinetti
Juan Peralta Ramos
Editorial #26 Shot by Martina Keenan
Editorial #26 Shot by Martina Keenan
Editorial #26 Shot by Martina Keenan
Editorial #26 Shot by Martina Keenan
Rodrigo Bravo
Editorial #28 Shot by Martín Pisotti
Editorial #28 Shot by Martín Pisotti
Editorial #28 Shot by Martín Pisotti
Editorial #28 Shot by Martín Pisotti
Josefina Sierra Guzman
Editorial #30 Shot by Laura Ferro
Editorial #30 Shot by Laura Ferro
Editorial #30 Shot by Laura Ferro
Editorial #30 Shot by Laura Ferro
Cristián Dellarole
Editorial #31 Shot by Ale & Richard Sly
Editorial #31 Shot by Ale & Richard Sly
Editorial #31 Shot by Ale & Richard Sly
Editorial #31 Shot by Ale & Richard Sly
Nat Sly & Jack
Editorial #34 Shot by Martín Rietti
Editorial #34 Shot by Martín Rietti
Editorial #34 Shot by Martin Rietti
Editorial #34 Shot by Martín Rietti
Paco Savio
Editorial #33 Shot by Macarena Molina & Olivia Parra
Editorial #33 Shot by Macarena Molina & Olivia Parra
Editorial #33 Shot by Macarena Molina & Olivia Parra
Editorial #33 Shot by Macarena Molina & Olivia Parra
Lola Erhant
Documented by Sofia Fanego
Documented by Sofia Fanego
Documented by Sofia Fanego
Documented by Sofia Fanego
Cecilia Collantes
Editorial #36 Shot by Katja Stuckrath
Editorial #36 Shot by Katja Stuckrath
Editorial #36 Shot by Katja Stuckrath
Editorial #36 Shot by Katja Stuckrath
Claire Marigueritte
Editorial #37
Editorial #37
Editorial #37
Editorial #37
Maia Bunge
Editorial #38 Shot by Sofía Fanego
Editorial #38 Shot by Sofía Fanego
Editorial #38 Shot by Sofía Fanego
Editorial #38 Shot by Sofía Fanego
Natacha Jonson
Editorial #39 Shot by Tomás Pintos
Editorial #39 Shot by Tomás Pintos
Editorial #39 Shot by Tomás Pintos
Editorial #39 Shot by Tomás Pintos
Gustavo Gontovnikas
Editorial #40 Shot by Trini Dragonetti
Editorial #40 Shot by Trini Dragonetti
Editorial #40 Shot by Trini Dragonetti
Editorial #40 Shot by Trini Dragonetti
Maria Campos
Edit #59 By Bons
Edit #59 By Bons
Edit #59 By Bons
Edit #59 By Bons
Sofía Fanego
Editorial #42 Shot by Martín Pisotti Location Ruth Benzacar
Editorial #42 Shot by Martín Pisotti Location Ruth Benzacar
Editorial #42 Shot by Martín Pisotti Location Ruth Benzacar
Editorial #42 Shot by Martín Pisotti Location Ruth Benzacar
Orly Benzacar & Mora Bacal
Editorial #43 Shot by Macarena Molina & Olivia Parra
Editorial #43 Shot by Macarena Molina & Olivia Parra
Editorial #43 Shot by Macarena Molina & Olivia Parra
Editorial #43 Shot by Macarena Molina & Olivia Parra
Iara Kaumann Madelaire
Editorial #35
Editorial #35
Editorial #35
Editorial #35
Justina Bustos
Editorial #44 Shot by Alejandro Guyot
Editorial #44 Shot by Alejandro Guyot
Editorial #44 Shot by Alejandro Guyot
Editorial #44 Shot by Alejandro Guyot
Cristian Petersen
Editorial #45 Shot by José Pereyra Lucena Location Proper
Editorial #45 Shot by José Pereyra Lucena Location Proper
Editorial #45 Shot by José Pereyra Lucena Location Proper
Editorial #45 Shot by José Pereyra Lucena Location Proper
Augusto Mayer
Jimena Nahon
Editorial #46 Shot by Pato Battellini
Editorial #46 Shot by Pato Battellini
Editorial #46 Shot by Pato Battellini
Editorial #46 Shot by Pato Battellini
Mía Maestro
Eggs Hons
Editorial #47 Shot by Vicky Aguirre
Editorial #47 Shot by Vicky Aguirre
Editorial #47 Shot by Vicky Aguirre
Editorial #47 Shot by Vicky Aguirre
Fernando Trocca
Editorial #48 Shot by Zoe Lena
Editorial #48 Shot by Zoe Lena
Editorial #48 Shot by Zoe Lena
Editorial #48 Shot by Zoe Lena
Editorial #49 Shot by Ángeles Peña
Editorial #49 Shot by Ángeles Peña
Editorial #49 Shot by Ángeles Peña
Editorial #49 Shot by Ángeles Peña
China Müller
Editorial #50 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #50 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #50 Shot by Gato Suaya
Editorial #50 Shot by Gato Suaya
Selva negra
Gabriel Escámez
Editorial #55 Shot by Alejandro Bella Luna
Editorial #55 Shot by Alejandro Bella Luna
Editorial #55 Shot by Alejandro Bella Luna
Editorial #55 Shot by Alejandro Bella Luna
Matias Michelini
Editorial #61 Shot by Pol Rebaque
Editorial #61 Shot by Pol Rebaque
Editorial #61 Shot by Pol Rebaque
Editorial #61 Shot by Pol Rebaque
Gabriel Escámez
Editorial #51 Shot by Jimena Nahon
Editorial #51 Shot by Jimena Nahon
Editorial #51 Shot by Jimena Nahon
Editorial #51 Shot by Jimena Nahon
Editorial #52 Shot by Vero Benatar
Editorial #52 Shot by Vero Benatar
Editorial #52 Shot by Vero Benatar
Editorial #52 Shot by Vero Benatar
Editorial #53 Shot by Clara Cohen
Editorial #53 Shot by Clara Cohen
Editorial #53 Shot by Clara Cohen
Editorial #53 Shot by Clara Cohen
Jimena Nahon
Eggs Hons
Editorial #56 Shot by Coco Capitán
Editorial #56 Shot by Coco Capitán
Editorial #56 Shot by Coco Capitán
Editorial #56 Shot by Coco Capitán
Coco Capitán
Editorial #57 Shot by Matías Alfonzo
Editorial #57 Shot by Matías Alfonzo
Editorial #57 Shot by Matías Alfonzo
Editorial #57 Shot by Matías Alfonzo
Gonzalez Haase
Carlos Bayala
Editorial #58 Shot by Natalie San Martin
Editorial #58 Shot by Natalie San Martin
Editorial #58 Shot by Natalie San Martin
Editorial #58 Shot by Natalie San Martin
Pepi De Boissieu
Editorial #62 Shot by Zahra Reijs
Editorial #62 Shot by Zahra Reijs
Editorial #62 Shot by Zahra Reijs
Editorial #62 Shot by Zahra Reijs
Sabine Marcelis
Editorial #63 Shot by Tinko Czetwertynski
Editorial #63 Shot by Tinko Czetwertynski
Editorial #63 Shot by Tinko Czetwertynski
Editorial #63 Shot by Tinko Czetwertynski
Lucas Jimeno Dualde
Editorial #64 Shot by Iris Humm
Editorial #64 Shot by Iris Humm
Editorial #64 Shot by Iris Humm
Editorial #64 Shot by Iris Humm
Berta-Blanca T. Ivanow
Editorial #54 Shot by Küche
Editorial #54 Shot by Küche
Editorial #54 Shot by Küche
Editorial #54 Shot by Küche
Marcia Krygier
Editorial #60 Shot by Macarena Luzi
Editorial #60 Shot by Macarena Luzi
Editorial #60 Shot by Macarena Luzi
Editorial #60 Shot by Macarena Luzi
Sebastián Curi
Edit #65 Shot by Adela Zapletalova
Edit #65 Shot by Adela Zapletalova
Edit #65 Shot by Adela Zapletalova
Edit #65 Shot by Adela Zapletalova
Barbora Gabova
Editorial #66 Shot by Celine Paradis
Editorial #66 Shot by Celine Paradis
Editorial #66 Shot by Celine Paradis
Editorial #66 Shot by Celine Paradis
Marie Wez
Editorial #67 Shot by Can Dagarslani
Editorial #67 Shot by Can Dagarslani
Editorial #67 Shot by Can Dagarslani
Editorial #67 Shot by Can Dagarslani
Sophie Bogdan &
Can Dagarslani
Edit #68 Shot by Macarena Gross
Edit #68 Shot by Macarena Gross
Edit #68 Shot by Macarena Gross
Edit #68 Shot by Macarena Gross
Gioconda Scott
Edit #69 Shot by Ellen Marsz
Edit #69 Shot by Ellen Marsz
Ellen Marsz
Edit. #72 Shot by Anna Malmberg
Edit. #72 Shot by Anna Malmberg
Edit. #72 Shot by Anna Malmberg
Edit. #72 Shot by Anna Malmberg
Yasmin Bawa
pajamas editorial
Aldy Simes shot by Fran Ferrari
Aldy Simes shot by Fran Ferrari
Aldy Simes shot by Fran Ferrari
Aldy Simes shot by Fran Ferrari
Everyday Pajamas
" Lolita "
Aldy Simes / Shot by Francisco Ferrari
Wear pajamas all day.
Washes them.
Wears them again.